How to increase employee engagement with one simple tool  

Tuesday August 22, 2023

Today’s workplace bears little resemblance to the offices of years gone by. Employees – quite rightly – expect a lot more, in terms of culture, engagement, flexibility, reward, and recognition. In 2023, one of the most significant challenges for an employer is keeping their team engaged and productive, particularly in the face of “quiet quitting” and the “great resignation”.  

The question most employers are asking right now is: “How can I keep my workforce engaged?” It’s a valid question, as disengaged employees are unproductive employees. In fact, research shows that disengaged employees make mistakes 60% more often than engaged employees do. 

Fortunately, there’s one simple, surefire way to keep employees engaged: recognition.  

When an employer is recognised for their contribution, they immediately feel valued, and like they’re playing a part in achieving a greater goal.  Employees are more willing to show loyalty to their employer if they feel valued and rewarded. 

Recognition has been proven to increase productivity and strengthen company culture, particularly when the going gets tough. In fact, research has shown that 80% of employees who experience stress at work also rate recognition as very poor, while only 43% of employees who experience stress at work consider they have good or excellent recognition. 

Science backs the theory of employee recognition. When you’re made to feel competent and masterful, dopamine is released in your body, which is a motivation enhancer. When you’re made to feel autonomous and self-motivated, serotonin – the mood-boosting chemical – is released. It makes sense, then, to embrace recognition and reward to create a stronger, more productive, and more resilient workplace.  

How can you recognise your employees for a job well done? 

  • Branded items 
  • Music subscription
  • Remote workday 
  • Volunteer day 
  • Fitness class or free gym day 
  • Catered lunch 
  • Charitable giving 
  • Company shout-out 
  • Concert tickets 
  • Books 
  • Snacks and coffee 
  • Gift cards 

At the HR Dept, we believe it’s worth making an effort to keep employees engaged, whether they’re working at home or in the office. After all, engaged employees are more productive, more motivated, and less inclined to look for alternative employment! 

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